DISC Behavioural Framework

10th January 2016|

DISC behavioural framework: Transcript of Video
This week I’m going to be talking you through the DISC behavioural framework. This is a model for describing behaviour whether it’s management behaviour, employee behaviour or whatever context you’re using it in. It’s a simple framework, similar to Myers Briggs and MBTI which most people are familiar with, […]

Why getting promoted lowers your intelligence

12th April 2015|

Your intelligence drops as you move up the hierarchy
Getting promoted to a senior management role apparently lowers your intelligence… your emotional intelligence (EQ) that is.

A recent study by TalentSmart in the US has shown that the level of self-awareness, empathy and social awareness (measures of EQ) of executives falls the higher they get up the organisational […]

Is your performance management system broken?

22nd March 2015|

Performance review time
We are approaching the time of year where many organisations are either setting performance objectives for the coming year or reviewing them for the one just gone. It raises the question as to how effective many of our performance management systems are?

I recently read an article in Personnel Today titled “Are performance management systems […]

Are you lavishing unhelpful praise on your employees?

31st October 2014|

I read an interesting article in the news this morning in the UK about research carried out in education. One I thought I would share with you as it has relevance to most workplaces too.

The research found that excessive praise for struggling children by teachers may be counter-productive to learning. It said, “too much […]