The Myth of the Perfect Strategy

21st November 2016|

Does the “perfect strategy” exist?
In the work we do, we see lots of time and effort put into creating strategies. Sometimes it can look like the quest to create a perfect strategy is more important than its delivery. Endless research, reporting back, refining, realigning, re-researching, testing, re-refining … the story goes on.

Here we want to […]

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DISC Behavioural Framework

10th January 2016|

DISC behavioural framework: Transcript of Video
This week I’m going to be talking you through the DISC behavioural framework. This is a model for describing behaviour whether it’s management behaviour, employee behaviour or whatever context you’re using it in. It’s a simple framework, similar to Myers Briggs and MBTI which most people are familiar with, […]

Are you lavishing unhelpful praise on your employees?

31st October 2014|

I read an interesting article in the news this morning in the UK about research carried out in education. One I thought I would share with you as it has relevance to most workplaces too.

The research found that excessive praise for struggling children by teachers may be counter-productive to learning. It said, “too much […]

5 ways to spark life back into your organisation

12th September 2014|

For most large organisations, there was a time when we “lived above the shop”… when we knew everyone by first name, where communication was easy as we could just press the stop button to talk to each other and when it was so much clearer what we were meant to be doing and what […]

Celebrate a short term win as a target achieved

25th July 2014|

Although focusing on the long term vision is critical to ultimately achieving it, not celebrating the short term wins as targets achievement is an opportunity lost, and this is often just a case of clearer communication.